Connect with Marina

Get in touch with me on social media, read my blog or scroll through my current case study.

Connect on social media

Mentoring on MentorCruise

I am a mentor on MentorCruise. I offer guidance, feedback, or advice for your learning path as a UX Designer and support you in your daily work in the design and tech industry. I share my knowledge with you in 1-on-1 sessions.

Together we identify your needs, work on your progress & keep track of your goals! Super excited to get to know you soon! 👋 🚀

Mentoring on ADPList

Additionally to MentorCruise I also offer some free mentoring sessions at ADPList. If you cannot afford a mentoring session, grab a free seat at ADPList to meet me for a 20 minutes session.

I am excited to meet you soon. 👋

Note: This is for people who really cannot afford the mentoring on MentorCruise. Be honest and ask yourself what’s worth another persons time.

Marina Kraus is mentoring on

Newsletter 'Grab a Coffee' ☕️

I share insights about UX and UI, breaking into tech and remote work and tools you can use for your daily work. To keep it short you the length of the Grab a Coffee ☕️ newsletter is like having a good cup of coffee.

So grab your coffee and start reading! ☕️ 👋

Grab a Coffee newsletter

Recent UX case study

unplugged overview

Case Study

A case study for improving the user experience of, a platform to book a 3-day digital detox retreat at Unplugged cabins.
